Thursday, March 24, 2005

Practice Makes Practice Makes Practice

We had an unusual wed. night practice tonight. Maybe it's because I've been in the space for four nights with Verona Downs and maybe it's because my finger is sliced and it seems that my nails are long and maybe it's because my wrist is acting up in pain and maybe it's because I'm not hearing the Bflat major in the new song and maybe it's because we haven't practiced in a while and perhaps it's because we haven't gigged in a bit and perhaps it's the great scott gig that fell through but I was having a hard time getting into the practice groove thing. I'll feel better soon!

Monday, March 21, 2005


So the radio is starting to LOVE the Invisible Rays. Just kidding!!! ZBC has played the rays a couple of times, so that's nice. I heard Tracy play Sampler Science on the local show the other day, but it sounded so weird and foreign and in need of fixing! In a quick search I've found that Sampler Science has been played three times and Don't Run has been played once. I thought I heard that Fete Fatale was also played, but that's not showing up on the Spinitron records, so maybe eric meant Don't Run. The band will be playing at Mass Art on april 25th. I should update the web site to indicate that, and it look like we'll be playing the famous pig roast at sunshine studio also. That's going to be a blast!